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The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
                                                                                                                      Albert Einstein

We believe that today nobody is able to compete successfully in international markets without rational and emotional-intuitive perception, awareness and action.



CCS for YOU!
We support
- Potential development for individuals and companies
- Health Care and Burnout prevention.


What moves us

Rational but also emotional-intuitive perception, awareness and action are of utmost importance for change processes. The contrasting nature of rationality and emotional-intuitive processes does not demand decision for one way or the other: It rather means integration of both in order to enable an holistically orientated understanding of individual and corporate systems, situations and circumstances.

In our mutual work we initiate the dissociation from habitual behaviour and thought patterns to reach new options for action and behaviour both - in professional and private life. In the process we trust in the interaction of human beings and its synergy consisting of the intellectual, emotional and intuitiv spirits of all persons involved.

Coaching supports people to create their visions and to follow a realistic self- and target management; it encourages to overtake responsibility for life in using rather own ressources than trusting in the “unique chance” coming maybe or maybe not.

Coaching boosts the ability to create satisfying business and private relations. It helps to detect harmful behavioural patterns and brings up conflicts instead of ignoring them.

Based on the humanstic principles Coaching supports the mental independency; it confirms the responsibility for the creature around and the own happiness. Coaching is (e)motion – it never stops.

Coaching is the right way for persons who are looking for change – however, it cannot and even does not want to replace an orthodox medical treatment

  Humanistically and holistically orientated consulting and coaching company
  Multi-disciplinary, synergetic and flexible in person, time and place via Europe-wide networking
  Personalized and practice-proven concepts in the potential develop- ment for individuals and companies
  Adequate health prevention concepts